Portret door Koos Breukel in Het Parool

For daily newspaper Het Parool, photographer Koos Breukel portrays leading figures from the art world At least, according to the newspaper. Thank you Koos!
Ordinary People in NRC

In Beeld in Dutch daily newspaper NRC about Ordinary People: De aangeklede, ingeklede mens, daarom draait het in Hornstra’s overzichtswerk Ordinary People, dat Fotomuseum Den Haag tentoonstelt.
The Naval Base in Dutch newspaper Het Parool

Het Parool writes about our modest exhibition The Naval Base at DNPG: “The Portrait Gallery Studio, the new home of the Dutch National Portrait Gallery at the Marineterrein, opens with an applicable exhibition: The Naval Base by photographer Rob Hornstra.”
Column in Nederlands Dagblad

As one of the few non-local journalists, Hilbrand Rozema of the Nederlands Dagblad travelled to the cold and windy naval city to write a column about the opening of our self-initiated exhibition The Naval Base: “The creators of this project, Arnold van Bruggen and Rob Hornstra, are going to portray cities in Europe that are far from the centres of power. And where better to start such a project than in our own naval city?”
Announcement exhibition The Naval Base in Noordhollands Dagblad

Announcement of our exhibition The Naval Base in Het Pompgemaal: “There is something strange about the photograph Rob Hornstra made of the street row of shops on Marsdiepstraat. Who wants to know what exactly, should go and have a look in the former Pompgemaal in Huisduinen”.
Article about Man Next Door in Trouw

A nice article today in Trouw newspaper by art historian Joke de Wolf in which she links the exhibition Man Next Door to current affairs, in this case the demolition of the Rotterdam Tweebosbuurt.
Next episode on local associations in Noordhollands Dagblad

With support of the Steunfonds Freelance Journalisten, Arnold and I have recently worked on an extensive series about local associations in Corona times. From the pigeon club to a Christian men’s choir and from the pinochle association to country and line dancers. How do the numerous associations and clubhouses cope with the absence of community? Over a period of eight weeks, a full-page article on Saturdays in the Noordhollands Dagblad.
Next episode on local associations in Noordhollands Dagblad

With support of the Steunfonds Freelance Journalisten, Arnold and I have recently worked on an extensive series about local associations in Corona times. From the pigeon club to a Christian men’s choir and from the pinochle association to country and line dancers. How do the numerous associations and clubhouses cope with the absence of community? Over a period of eight weeks, a full-page article on Saturdays in the Noordhollands Dagblad.
Next episode on local associations in Noordhollands Dagblad

With support of the Steunfonds Freelance Journalisten, Arnold and I have recently worked on an extensive series about local associations in Corona times. From the pigeon club to a Christian men’s choir and from the pinochle association to country and line dancers. How do the numerous associations and clubhouses cope with the absence of community? Over a period of eight weeks, a full-page article on Saturdays in the Noordhollands Dagblad.
First episode on local associations in Noordhollands Dagblad

With support of the Steunfonds Freelance Journalisten, Arnold and I have recently worked on an extensive series about local associations in Corona times. From the pigeon club to a Christian men’s choir and from the pinochle association to country and line dancers. How do the numerous associations and clubhouses cope with the absence of community? Over a period of eight weeks, a full-page article on Saturdays in the Noordhollands Dagblad.
Haaretz newspaper (try to read this...)

Article in Israeli newspaper Haaretz. I guess it is about my Instagram account.
Man Next Door in Foam Magazine

In the most recent issue of FOAM Magazine, 16 pages are devoted to Man Next Door, the project about my neighbour who - after a turbulent life - drowned in the Utrecht canal in 2013. You can find more about the project under Stories on my website. The link below directs you to the website of Foam Magazine, where you can order single copies.
Man Next Door in BJP series Great works made from home

As most people - like photographers - have to stay at home, the British Journal of Photography has smartly started a series entitled ‘Great works made from home’. Man Next Door, the series about my early deceased neighbour Kid, is featured in the second episode. From the article: ‘For those of us experiencing extended periods of isolation, the project also takes on a new significance, emphasising the importance of checking in on our neighbours and those in need.’
The Europeans featured on Another Observer

One month ago I was approached by a bloke named Dan Briston, who asked if he could write an article about the work of Arnold van Bruggen and me for his website Another Observer. Yesterday he reported that the article had been published. Well, article… Better a comprehensive essay of more than 5,000 words dealing with almost every topic related to the creation of slow journalism projects like content, organizational structure, funding, social media, photographic style, visual referencing, online exhibitions and yes, even critical comments. Thank you Dan!
Article in Dutch newspaper Het Parool

Article about our online exhibition (in Dutch): “Met een VR-bril op heb je het gevoel dat je er echt bent, maar de ervaring zonder bril is ook de moeite waard. Door de cursor te bewegen kun je door de galerie ‘lopen’ en foto’s aanklikken voor extra informatie. Op een tafeltje staan twee boeken uitgestald: een speciale en een budgeteditie van dit eerste hoofdstuk van het project, te koop in de webwinkel. Buiten is er een steegje dat naar de zee leidt. Het is een grappige verwijzing naar The Sochi Project die alleen online mogelijk is; midden in Litouwen kijk je uit over de Zwarte Zee.”
Man Next Door featured on online platform It's Nice That

Article on Man Next Door featured on It’s Nice That: “Designed as both a publication and a scrolling timeline on Rob’s website, the photographs categorise his time spent with Kid from 2007 until his unfortunate passing in 2013. While some of Rob’s photographs are difficult to look at upon learning the full story of Kid’s unsettled life, being shocking never appears to be the aim. Instead, the subtle hints at someone unstable make you think about how easily life can spiral downwards from one misunderstanding or mistake.”
Interview in European Photography magazine
Cover and interview by Bill Kouwenhoven about five years Sochi Project, crowdfunding, self-publishing.

The Sochi Project in Polish Gazeta
Interview/article about The Sochi Project in connection with exhibition in Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw featured in Polish newspaper Gazeta
On the other Side of the Mountains on Landscape Stories 10.03.2014
In 2010 we published a newspaper annex DIY exhibition ‘On the other side of the mountains’ about an insignificant village named Krasny Vostok (The Red East). Last year we went back. Our updated story on how The Red East turns Green is now featured on Landscape Stories.
The Sochi Project in NZZ Am Sonntag 19.01.2014
The Sochi Project largely covered in Swiss daily newspaper NZZ Am Sonntag (10 pages).

The Sochi Project in Helsingborgs Dagblad 19.01.2014
The Sochi Project article featured in Helsingborgs Dagblad.
The Sochi Project in Daily Mail 19.01.2014
The Sochi Project covered by Daily Mail.
The Sochi Project in Tyden 12.01.2014
Article about The Sochi Project featured in Czech newspaper Tyden.
The Sochi Project slideshow featured on Stern 11.01.2014
The Sochi Project slideshow ‘Strand, Tanz und Bürgerkrieg’ on Stern.de
The Sochi Project in LeMonde 11.01.2014
Extensive covering / presentation of The Sochi Project in French daily newspaper Le Monde.

Atlas in Trouw 11.01.2014
Book ‘An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus’ highlighted in Saturday annex of Dutch daily newspaper Trouw.
The Sochi Project in Der Standard 08.01.2014
Article by Damian Zimmerman about The Sochi Project in Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard.

Exhibition review in De Correspondent 08.01.2014
Comparing review about exhibitions in Huis Marseille AMsterdam and FoMu Antwerp by Sterre Sprengers.
The Sochi Project on Mother Jones 02.01.2014
The Sochi Project featured on independent American news website Mother Jones: “Forget Vladimir Putin’s Olympic Fantasy and Check Out the Real Sochi This brilliant new photobook chronicles everyday life in the Caucasus.”
Interview in Canadian La Presse 31.12.2013
Interview about The Sochi Project in Canadian La Press: ‘Sotchi: palmiers et misère dans une poudrière’.
Review exhibition Huis Marseille in Volkskrant 27.12.2013
Exhibition review by Merel Bem in Dutch daily newspaper De Volkskrant.

Interview in Parool 21.12.2013
Interview by Mark Moorman in dutch daily newspaper Het Parool: ‘Fotograaf Rob Hornstra (38) zat opeens in het midden van een diplomatieke storm. Een Moskouse tentoonstelling werd afgelast en een Russisch visum geweigerd. En hij werd ook nog eens vader, dus waar hebben we het eigenlijk over?’
Sochi Singers in Huffington Post 20.12.2013
Sochi Singers: ‘The Beautiful And Bizarre Faces Of Russia’s Restaurant Singers’ featured in Huffington Post.
The Sochi Project on French Slate 16.12.2013
The Sochi Project ‘Sotchi: la guerre et les jeux’ on French website Slate.fr
The Sochi Project in The Guardian 12.12.2013
Sean O’Hagan in The Guardian: ‘The Sochi Project is an incredible piece of journalism, both visual and written, and a glimpse of the medium’s future.’
Article in Frankfurter Allgemeine (German) 10.12.2013
Article about The Sochi Project and our latest book featured in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

The Sochi Project featured on Foreign Policy 07.12.2013
’The Real Sochi: What you won’t see on TV when you tune into Russia’s Winter Olympics.’ Extensive slideshow on foreignpolicy.com.
Interview in Dutch magazine Zuiderlucht 07.12.2013
Interview by Edo Dijksterhuis for Dutch cultural magazine Zuiderlucht.
The Sochi Project featured at The New Yorker 25.11.2013
Slideshow from our new book ‘An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus’ featured on The New Yorker Photo Booth.
Sochi featured in Financial Times Magazine 16.11.2013
Work from Sochi featured in a seven-page article in Financial Times.

Interview in Welt Am Sonntag 10.11.2013
Interview about The Sochi Project in German Welt Am Sonntag.

Sochi Singers featured at Phaidon 08.11.2013
Article about Sochi Singers and the book at Phaidon’s website. There is a limited number of signed copies of ‘Sochi Singers’ available at www.thesochiproject.org/shop.
Interview Russian Art Newspaper 01.11.2013
Please follow the link below to read an interview in the Art Newspaper Russia.

Double page nrc.next 19.10.2013
Short piece about cancelled exhibition in Saturday supplement of nrc.next.

The Sochi Project at Lenta 18.10.2013
Online slideshow of the cancelled exhibition at Winzavod Moscow now at Lenta.ru
Article Parool 18.10.2013
Article about Dutch - Russian Friendship Year and alternative exhibition openings in Amsterdam and Moscow in Dutch daily newspaper Het Parool.