The Europeans talk in Dudley
Please join me on Tuesday March 19, 2024 at 6 pm for a talk about our latest chapter The Black Country in the Enhance Lecture Theatre at Dudley College.

Online talk at Kaunas Gallery

On May 28 (Thursday), 5 p.m. conversation with the authors of the exhibition and the accompanying publication “The Former Capital” – photographer Rob Hornstra and writer Arnold van Bruggen will be broadcasted live on Kaunas Photography Gallery Facebook account. The conversation will be held in English, later the Lithuanian translation will be added to the recording.
Introduction The Europeans at Unseen Amsterdam

On Saturday 21 September 2019 Arnold van Bruggen and I will give a short introduction on our new project The Europeans during Unseen Amsterdam. Join us for fun and freebies.
Talk The Sochi Project at MuVIM in Valencia, Spain

On Friday April 13, 2018 at 7 pm I will do a talk about The Sochi Project at the Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i la Modernitat. Hope to see you there.
Talk in Manchester (UK)

I’ll do a public talk on The Sochi Project at the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) on 27 February 2018 from 18:30 until 20:00.
Coming up:
Exhibition and talk in Bozen (Italy)

Opening of the exhibition The Sochi Project: Empty land, Promised land, Forbidden land at foto-forum Bozen, Italy will take place on Tuesday October 24, 2017 at 7 pm. The opening will be followed by a talk about The Sochi Project at 8 pm.
Talk at The Chocolate Factory in Bristol

On Friday February 10, 2017 at 7pm I will talk about The Sochi Project: An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus at the Chocolate Factory in Bristol. And perhaps I show a glimpse of my new book, which will be launched later this year. Entrance is free for workshop participants.
Talk Kriterion Sarajevo
On Friday December 4, 2015 at 11.00 am I will do a lecture at Kriterion Sarajevo, Obala Kulina bana, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnië en Herzegovina. Please follow link for more information.
Talk in Maastricht
On Sunday November 8, 2015 at 2.30 pm I will do a lecture at Centre Céramique, Avenue Céramique 50, 6221 KV Maastricht. Please follow link for more information.
The Sochi Project in Barcelona
21.02.2015 - 16.04.2015
Please join us for a lecture on Wednesday, a round table conversation on Thursday, a workshop on Friday and Saturday and a small exhibition at CFD Barcelona.

Discussion with Donald Weber in Utrecht
On Friday January 30, 2015, Donald Weber will do a lecture on two of his recent projects: Barricade and War Sand. After this I will have a conversation with him about independent storytelling, photography, creative solutions for financing long term projects, and much more
Book Fair Stedelijk Museum
The Sochi Project runs a table at the Stedelijk Museum Book Fair with some discount offers, rare books and special editions. On Sunday at 12.15 there will be a live conversation with me, followed by a signing
Talk in Zurich
On Monday October 27, 2014, I will do a talk about The Sochi Project at the vfg Bildersoirée in Zurich. Start presentation 19.30pm. Location: Keystone Foyer, Grubenstrasse 45, 8045 Zürich.
Lecture in Luzern, Switzerland
On Thursday October 9, 2014 at 6 pm I will be giving a lecture at The Lucerne School of Art and Design Baselstrasse 61b, 3006 Lucerne from 6:00-7:30 pm. Entrance is free, you only need to register.

The Sochi Project exhibition Cortona on the Move, Italy
The exhibition ‘An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus’ will be on display at Vecchio Ospedale (via Maffei 16) Cortona from July 17 until September 28 as part of Cortona on the Move Festival. Together with Arnold I will be doing a talk on Sunday July 20 at 11 am at the Teatro Signorelli.
Talk in Perpignan (France)
On Thursday 26, June at 5:00 pm I will do a talk during the French Festival International du Livre d’Art et du Film (FILAF) in Perpignan, where our book ‘An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus’ is included in the official selection for a FILAF Award 2014
Talk at Lumix Festival in Hannover (Germany)
On Wednesday June 18, 2014 at 6.30 pm I will do a talk at the Lumix Festival for Young Photojournalism. Next day at 11 am I will be in a panel about crowdfunding
Talk at Vienna Photo Book Festiva
On Sunday June 15, 2014 at 11 am. I will do a talk at the Photo Book Festival in Vienna.
Conversation and book signing at Aperture, NY
In Conversation: Rob Hornstra and Arnold van Bruggen on The Sochi Project at Aperture Gallery and Bookstore, 547 West 27th Street, New York, NY. Please follow link for more information.
Conversation and book signing at UnionDocs, NY
In Conversation: Rob Hornstra and Arnold van Bruggen on The Sochi Project at UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art, 322 Union Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Organized by Aperture Foundation. Please follow link for more information
Lecture in Bratislava 31.01.2014 - 7:00 pm
Lecture at Frontline Bratislava. Location: Kontakt, Ventúrska 12, 81101 Bratislava, SK
Live Talkshow at FotoTorpedo Amsterdam 23.01.2014 - 8.30 pm
I will be guest at the Live Talkshow FotoTorpedo (by Mark Moorman and Nienke Denekamp) in Torpedo-theater Amsterdam (Sint Pieterspoortsteeg 33).
Lecture in NRC restaurant 12.01.2014
On Sunday 12 January 2014, 15 pm. I will do a talk in NRC restaurant about the exhibition Golden Years, which is currently on display at Huis Marseille Amsterdam. More info and tickets, please follow the link below.
Talk at the Frontline Club London 04.11.2013
Please follow the link to read an extensive report (+ video) from the talk we did at the Frontline Club London on November 1, 2013.