The Europeans (2020 - 2030)“I’ve lived under four different regimes. You always pay someone for water and wood”.

Communism & Cowgirls (2004)“Due to the crisis Russia has lost its political power. That’s not going to last long.”

101 Billionaires (2008)“I know so many guys like me. I’m not afraid of anything. My life is over.”

An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus (2014)“The Olympic family is going to feel at home in Sochi.”

Empty land, Promised land, Forbidden land (2010)“Georgia can’t give up Abkhazia, just like you can’t give up your liver.”

On the other side of the mountains (2010)“There’s a strong Islamic lobby. They won’t stop until we’re all leading Islamic lives.”

Man Next Door (2017)Report received of a man who had become unwell. When officers arrived, the man was lying face down on the ground and was barely responsive.

Roots of the Rúntur (2006)“The Rúntur is like going to visit someone. Only difference is that you’re driving in circles.”

Sketchbooks (2011)“We have wrestled since the day the world was created.”

Sochi Singers (2011)“I can forgive you anything. But not betrayal and lies.”

The Secret History of Khava Gaisanova (2013)“Human rights are actually very well defined here. But that’s on paper. As soon as you run into a uniform and a gun, it’s over.”

Sanatorium (2009)“The Soviet mentality and rudeness that still prevail here scare people away.”
My name is Rob Hornstra. I am a photographer and self-publisher based in Utrecht, NL. Currently, I am working together with writer Arnold van Bruggen on a project titled The Europeans 2020–2030.