Haaretz newspaper (try to read this...)

Article in Israeli newspaper Haaretz. I guess it is about my Instagram account.
Instagram @robhornstra in New York Times

Five Art Accounts to Follow on Instagram Now (according to New York Times). Please click on the link to read and check the other accounts.
Man Next Door featured during Instagram Takeover Photocaptionist

From 22 to 28 October 2018 I will take over the Instagram account from Photocaptionist. In 21 posts I will tell the story Man Next Door, with backgrounds that have never been highlighted before.
South Ossetia archive featured on Instagram

It is nine years since the Russo-Georgian war took place, a war between Georgia, Russia and the Russian-backed self-proclaimed republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Writer Arnold van Bruggen and I have made a book and exhibition about Abkhazia, not so many people know that we also covered South Ossetia as part of the The Sochi Project. This month I am featuring a series of photos made in South Ossetia on my Instagram account. And yes, we also met president Eduard Kokoity, though he was pushed aside already several months later.
This month Sochi Singers featured on Instagram
Every month I am featuring series of photos from my archive on Instagram. This summer month is the turn to Sochi Singers. In 2011 Arnold van Bruggen and I travelled to more than 60 restaurants over 100 miles of coastline to make 37 photos for the book Sochi Singers. Follow my Instagram account - not only to see the end result - but also to see some moving image and photos of how Sochi Singers in the end has been presented on billboards.