Articles in Ad Tubantia and AD Haagse Courant

Interview conducted by AD journalist Nico Heemelaar and published in both the Haagse Courant and Tubantia. On Russia, The Europeans and Borne.
Article in Volkskrant: Mensen van de 21ste eeuw

Extensive 4-page article by Mark Moorman about retrospective book and exhibition in Fotomuseum Den Haag with lots of space for photography in Dutch daily newspaper De Volkskrant.
Article in Trouw: Tentoonstelling Interview

Article by Joke de Wolf in Dutch daily newspaper Trouw: ‘Ik maak gemiddeld vijf goede foto’s per jaar, dus niet alles wat hier hangt is perfect’.
De Standaard Beeldverhaal

Announcement of exhibition Ordinary People in Belgium daily newspaper De Standaard.
Free newspaper Money Always Wins / L'Argent Gagne Toujours

In addition to the publication Our Ancestral Home, we have produced a 16-page newspaper that highlights the current difficulties on the housing market. The newspaper is not for sale. It will be distributed for free during the opening week of Rencontres d’Arles and also during the exhibition at Station V in Bayonne. More information about these events at the bottom of this newsletter.
Oh … and if you are going Arles and would like to help distribute the newspaper, please let me know. I could still use some more hands.
Haaretz newspaper (try to read this...)

Article in Israeli newspaper Haaretz. I guess it is about my Instagram account.
Every Saturday The Europeans in local newspaper Kauno Diena

One of many ambitions Arnold and I have in our new project The Europeans is that we want to use our work to engage people in the heartland regions where we work. We do this for example by first launching our region publication during an exhibiting in a local gallery. In addition, we are trying to team up with a local newspaper, in order to reach a wider audience than just cultural enthusiasts. In the first region where we worked, this has led to a great partnership with the local newspaper Kauno Diena. Every week until the opening of the exhibition at the beginning of April 2020, they publish a full-page portrait from our project in the Saturday issue. The Former Capital is starting to warm up!
Introduction newspaper The Europeans

If you’ve been to Unseen Amsterdam, you’ve most likely seen our free introductory newspaper or maybe even brought it home with you. In the near future we will try to distribute the newspaper as much as possible through selected organisations such as FOTODOK Utrecht, Photoq Bookstore Amsterdam, Martin Parr Foundation in Bristol or events such as Paris Photo and the FOTODOK Book Club. Also, a free newspaper will be included with every order in my online store.