Man Next Door shortlisted for Photo Text Book Award

My latest book about my neighbour Kid has been shortlisted for the 2018 Photobook Award at Rencontres d’Arles. Man Next Door examines the stigmatisation of the working class while offering a rare insight into the life of a working-class Utrecht boy.
Newsletter waiting for distribution

There it is! My first printed newsletter. I still have no clue on how to distribute this thing. But it looks great and that’s thanks to the amazing designer Serge Scheerpers (who also designed my website). For now, if you want a copy, try to find it. (Obviously, it is sent for free along with orders placed in the online store).
Appointed as new member of
World Press Photo Supervisory Board

I am very honored to be appointed as member of the World Press Photo Supervisory Board. From the press release: “The journalistic field in which World Press Photo operates is in the middle of major changes. New techniques and, above all, changing revenue models have had a great impact on the profession. For photojournalists who are open to new ideas, these circumstances offer great opportunities. We can seize these uncertain times to redefine photojournalism. I think it’s wonderful that World Press Photo—led by Lars Boering—intends to take a leading role in that debate.”
New job at Royal Academy of Art (KABK)
Together with Lotte Sprengers, I will take charge of the photography department as of 1 May 2015 at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. We will succeed the illustrious Corinne Noordenbos. Following a long teaching career, Corinne will retire on 10 April. We plan to make the excellent quality of the KABK more visible to the outside world and become more international.