The Europeans x European Photography Schools

Please help us expanding our network! For our project The Europeans, Arnold Van Bruggen and I are seeking collaboration with photography schools in the European hinterland. This could be a school for applied photography, a regional art academy, or a vocational training institution. Funded by Erasmus+, we aim to locally create and present new work together with students. In addition to gaining work experience, we offer students a platform to learn from each other and to build an international network.
The Europeans will become the narrative photography document of Europe in the 2020s—Europe off the beaten track, outside the major centers, and beyond well-known stories. The more students, aspiring creators, and regional institutions that participate, the broader and more inclusive this historical document will become.
Since we are not focusing on well-known art academies in large (capital) cities, we have started a search for photography schools in the European regions. Do you happen to know of (or have contacts at) a photography school in a regional town in Romania, North Macedonia, Denmark, Albania, Latvia, Norway, or any other European country? Please send me a message. You can also help us by sharing this message or forwarding it to international contacts who are familiar with the education system in their native country.
Thanks for your help!
Open Day at Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK)

As most people will know by now, next to being a photographer, I am also co-head of the BA Photography - full-time and part-time - and the MA Photography & Society at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK). As we are an international academy with over 50% foreign students, all our lessons are taught in English. If you are considering studying Photography, you are more than welcome to join the Open Day at the KABK in Den Haag on Saturday 26 January 2019 from 10 am until 5 pm. And if you don’t plan to study photography, but just want to know what we do, please also drop by for a drink or a talk. The day is packed with opportunities to attend interviews, have your portfolio reviewed, follow guest lessons and workshops, talk to students and teachers or to simply look around and see work of the leading photographers of the future. Hope to see you there! Photo by Frederik Klanberg.
Teaching at Anzenberger Masterclass students in Vienna

With great pleasure I have been teaching for third consecutive year students of the ten-month-long intensive masterclass organized by Anzenberger Gallery. Please click on the link for more information on next year’s masterclass.
Open Day at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague

A little shout out for the Photography Department that I am responsible for together with Lotte Sprengers. Are you considering to study photography at the highest level, are you extremely ambitious and would you like to be taught by international acclaimed photographers? Come to the Open Day on Saturday January 28, 2017 to the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague for more information, presentations, portfolio reviews, master classes and more. Fulltime and part-time option. All courses are in English!
Collaboration Adam Broomberg and students KABK

“The idea of revolution has been co-opted by the right. The threat, in the form of Donald Trump’s ‘whitelash’ fascism, is not just apparent in the United States. Trump’s election has emboldened the right wing throughout Europe. …. With forthcoming elections in France, The Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe we cannot wait a single moment longer to register our fear but also our commitment to resist the voices of xenophobia, misogyny, racism, and intolerance.” Together with students from Royal Academy of Art in The Hague [KABK] and HfbK Hamburg, Adam Broomberg has set up a digital platform Hands Off Our Revolution to collectively express their concerns regarding the rise of right wing populism. Everyone is invited to participate by uploading imagery. Frieze wrote a short piece about it.
Workshop in New Delhi, India
27.10.2015 - 28.10.2015

Do-It-Yourself Storytelling workshop taking place in Delhi, end of October 2015 during the Delhi Photo Festival. This two-day workshop focusses on how to understand the current media market (magazines, books, exhibitions, grants, etc.) and dos & don’ts in self-publishing and crowd funding. How can you create the stories you want in your own voice? Learn to see opportunities and make your future.
Workshop in Zagreb, Croatia
04.09.2015 - 05.09.2015
My next Do-It-Yourself Storytelling workshop will take place in Zagreb, during the highly interesting Organ Vida Photo Festival. This two-day workshop focusses on how to understand the current media market (magazines, books, exhibitions, grants, etc.) and dos & don’ts in self-publishing and crowd funding. How can you create the stories you want in your own voice? Learn to see opportunities and make your future.
Early bird sign up including festival t-shirt and bag: 190 euro (until July 3, 2015).
New job at Royal Academy of Art (KABK)
Together with Lotte Sprengers, I will take charge of the photography department as of 1 May 2015 at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. We will succeed the illustrious Corinne Noordenbos. Following a long teaching career, Corinne will retire on 10 April. We plan to make the excellent quality of the KABK more visible to the outside world and become more international.