Every season, Rob Hornstra selects an image from his archive and makes it available as an exclusive handmade C-print (36 x 42 cm / 14.2 x 16.5 in). The number of buyers determines the print run, up to a maximum of 25. Once the season is over or print sold out, the image is no longer reprinted.
In 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space. By achieving this major milestone in the Space Race he became an international celebrity, and was awarded many medals and titles, including Hero of the Soviet Union. Gagarin became one of the most popular and best loved public figures in the Soviet Union. His effigy reached into every corner of the Soviet Union, as here at the bus stop along the access road to the small mountain village of Kutisha in Dagestan, a republic of Russia situated in the North Caucasus.
Title: Gagarin Tribute, Kutisha, Dagestan, Russia, 2012
From the series: The Sochi Project
Original: Medium Format 6x7 negative film
Print technique: Analogue handmade C-print
Paper size: 36 x 42 cm (14.2 x 16.5 in) / Image 30 x 36 cm